I did the thing
I’m terrified, excited and feel like I’m going to vomit but…
I’ve opened my first ever online shop! It’s over on ko-fi and I’ve a goal already in mind!
As a #Canadian during this time, and as an artist, I figured now would be the time to sell my art. I have a few projects I’ve been working on, and am hoping my fellow Canadians will help me with my goals. There are 3 illustrations up for sale, and 2 added freebies as a plus! My goal is to raise enough funds to start selling my #elbowsup t-shirts!
If you ever wanted to support a small, #disabled #queer Canadian artist then nows your chance! With enough donations my hope is by the beginning of next week I’ll be able to start selling physical items. I’m really looking forward to giving you all my best artwork!