Brighty @Brighti on #KeirStarmer #EdDavey #Benefits @TheSun – political cartoon gallery in London
Brighty @Brighti on #KeirStarmer #EdDavey #Benefits @TheSun – political cartoon gallery in London
Ed Davey of the Lib Dems attacking Farage over Trump because Starmer has to hide and be in the Rapist's good books, the Trump Whisperer that he thinks he is.
ReformUK is the Protest Vote for Traitors.
They can pretend to be objective, but we all know they take their orders from Oligarchs, only the Protest Voters don't want to see it.
You're not fooling us though Farage, we know you're so far up Trump's ass you can taste the overcooked steak and ketchup coming down the other way....
Meet the UK party that thinks Trump-bashing is a vote-winner – POLITICO #Americas #Borders #BorisJohnson #Brexit #BritishPolitics #Cities #DonaldTrump #EdDavey #Elections #GeorgeW.Bush #GreatBritain #Iraq #JohnSwinney #KamalaHarris #LizTruss #Negotiations #NigelFarage #Parliament #Platforms #Policy #Protectionism #Referendum #Rights #Scotland #tariffs #trade #UK #Ukraine #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates #VinceCable #visas #War #Water #WestminsterBubble
Starmer is a coward who is selling out our nation to fascists.
I like that Ed Davey is setting Starmer up to be exposed as the Quisling coward he is.
Starmer has bent the knee to Trump and now he expects us all to go along with it, without debate or question.
Traitor Starmer backs Denmark against Donald Trump’s ‘dangerous’ bid to take control of Greenland #DanishPrimeMinister #Danmark #denmark #DonaldTrump #EDDAVEY #Greenland #KeirStarmer #MetteFrederiksen #PrimeMinister #SirKeir
@Fife4Europe what does he think a customs union will offer? It’s a binary choice. Either you are in the EU or you’re not. There’s no associate membership other than the Norwegian model. Follow all the rules is a minimum requirement. #EU #brexit #uk #eddavey
UK politics: ‘It’s not a customs union’: No 10 leaves door open to joining pan-Europe scheme – as it happened #Heathrowthirdrunway #Internationaltrade #NickThomas-Symonds #LiberalDemocrats #Airlineindustry #Conservatives #EuropeanUnion #Climatecrisis #KeirStarmer #Tradepolicy #Environment #GerryAdams #EdMiliband #SadiqKhan #Politics #ReformUK #EdDavey #UKnews #Labour #Brexit #London #Europe
Ed Davey saying things Keir Starmer is too afraid to.
Maybe all the fairground rides during the election convinced Davey he is a brave boy, unlike the Quisling Keir? 37 words that sum up a wild 2024 in British politics – POLITICO #borders #BorisJohnson #BritishPolitics #career #DavidLammy #DonaldTrump #EDDAVEY #elections #EstherMcVey #Farms #HumzaYousaf #JamesCleverlyMP #JeremyClarkson #KeirStarmer #KemiBadenoch #LIZTRUSS #MattHoneycombeFoster #migration #Missiles #Mobility #NigelFarage #Politics #RishiSunak #rwanda #security #Tax #UK #Ukraine #UnitedKingdom #youth
Public anger over water bill rises is justified, says UK environment secretary #LiberalDemocrats #Consumeraffairs #Householdbills #Waterindustry #Environment #Waterbills #Pollution #SteveReed #Business #Politics #EdDavey #UKnews #Water #Money
British Politicians lining up behind the Landowners, the rest of us have no voice.
Morten Morland on #EdDavey #LibDemConf #LibDems – political cartoon gallery in London