@sesivany Have you got a link for it?
@cybervegan Sure: https://codeberg.org/sesivany/linux-desktop-migration-tool
It's nothing breath taking, just a 400-line script, but it does the job.
@sesivany That's a nice and clearly written shell script - well commented too. Thanks for sharing!
@cybervegan Thanks, this is a project that has rather extreme imbalance between time spent on investigating and experimenting and time spent on writing the code. Linux desktop migration was not really much explored on the "widely deployable" level before.
@sesivany Many times in the past I wished there was a utility to do this, though. The process is usually very time-consuming and that's not what you want when you should be working tickets or cutting code.
These days, I use Debian with MATE desktop, and tend to avoid flatpaks, but I know I'm an outlier there - I know lots of other people will find it useful.
@cybervegan I don't really have anything against traditional packages, but if I supported them, the complexity would grow exponentially. The script can be also used to migrate between distros. What package formats to support, how to map packages from one distro to another one? Where to look for user data? Because it can be anywhere. Flatpak makes it viable. It only has one source for all distros, it has one location where applications store user data...
@sesivany Yep. makes total sense - I can speak from experience there, because sometimes package names change, and you also have to manage dependencies...
I have a "process" I've developed over the years, for my own migrations, but it's much less critical when it's only my laptop, for personal use. My comment was not intended as a criticism - it's still very useful.