Discworld Rules, & LOTR is brain-rot for technologists
This post is an extended argument that as a lens for thinking about the world, The Lord of the Rings, is a work that you should “not set aside lightly, but throw across the room with great force,” and that in place of Middle Earth, you should install Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
@lproven the resurgent evil in the East is still interesting in LOTR, but I'm getting Verner Vinge universe flashes at present.
@lproven Mary Gentle's Grunts is also another view of LOTR stuff. And fun in a roughish way.
@midgephoto A book I absolutely loved.
"Sarge? Pass me another elf? This one's split."
I remember that line.
I worry that it might not be regarded as entirely politically correct nowadays.