Looking at how #LLM are promoted by their fans, I've come to the conclusion:
Pretty much everyone from a #STEM background - myself definitely included! - owes the #Humanities a huge apology.
I mean, I get it. When I was a young student of physics, it was easy for me to sneer at philosophy students and whatnot. After all, _we_ dealt with hard, measurable facts, while _those_ people dealt with some weird thought constructs that had no relevancy to the real world - right?
But this is the end result - #TechBro culture and a vast portion of our entire economy using digital bullshit generators instead of critical thinking, and using this to lead us into a fascist future where either Truth or Facts have become meaningless.
Mea culpa.
@juergen_hubert wait there, not all #Humanities are progressive and "humanistic". Tech-bro culture has its own backing in several streams of "libertarian-conservative" theorists and writers (plus of course the traditional conservative theory, that can be stretched a bit to adapt to tech authoritarianism...)
@lonfo @juergen_hubert Interesting point!