Daesh, Al-Qaida and Syria have a history of active aggression towards Israel. Calls of "USA the great satan and Israel the little satan" are not copyrighted only to the Huthis.
Also, we can't tell yet what are the intentions of the Sunnis, and if they end up taking control of the government alone.
So you're damn right we need to stay vigilant and defensive. the IRI and their proxies are not resting.
@faab64 I was not trying to be, 3ayuni. Which part was funny to you?
"Daesh, Al-Qaida and Syria have a history of active aggression towards Israel."
Was priceless.
Best joke ever. Putting those 3 together, abd then making such laughable claim.
Can you mention one attack by AlQaeda or ISIS or even Syrian army against Israel in the past 20 years?
@faab64 I don't understand, are you defending Bashar's regime? or ISIS? surely not the IRI...
@ia42 oh dear.
You really really really asking this question?
Mister kumbaya who denies the crines of Israel and when asked questions, turns into accusations and pretends he didn't read the question.
@faab64 I'm not denying crimes, there are way too many, you might be confusing me with someone else.