Da Khrys’presso di lunedì 10 febbraio 2025:
Meta accusata di aver scaricato via #Torrent 81.7 TeraByte di libri piratati per addestrare la sua IA: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/02/meta-torrented-over-81-7tb-of-pirated-books-to-train-ai-authors-say/
" “Torrenting from a corporate laptop doesn’t feel right”: Meta emails unsealed.
Meta's alleged torrenting and seeding of pirated books complicates copyright case.
Newly unsealed emails allegedly provide the "most damning evidence" yet against Meta in a copyright case raised by book authors alleging that Meta illegally trained its AI models on pirated books."
Vedi anche in francese: https://intelligence-artificielle.developpez.com/actu/368932/Meta-accusee-d-avoir-telecharge-plus-de-81-7-To-de-livres-pirates-pour-entrainer-son-IA-Des-courriels-montrent-qu-elle-a-tente-de-le-dissimuler-en-evitant-les-serveurs-de-Facebook-lors-du-telechargement/
Merci @Khrys
#Zuckerberg #Meta #pirati #IA #AI #GAFAM #BigTech #Framablog #