Another small step on the journey to #degoogle my life:
Finally I got the Xiaomi bootloader unlocked. Installing #LineageOS was indeed feasible.
To my bigger surprise, LineageOS comes with a browser that uses #google . This is a bit crazy.
#lineageos is not anti google perse. A lot of the appeal seems to be to get the whole google package + rooting and the stuff you can do with that. Lineage + GAPPS is the preferred way to flash it on your phone it seems.
Sometimes to extend the life of your phone, sometimes to make it faster, sometimes to get more privacy.
Did you use the MicroG version?
At the moment it is pure lineageOS, without Google-Play-Service and without MicroG.
I was really surprised to see the google logo on the startpage of the default browser.
I guess it is now fixed with Thor from F-droid doing search with DuckDuckGo.
Thank you for asking, and I will be happy about any advice & opinion!
@Zugereister @mmorschel there are other google defaults also. Check your dialler threedot settings lookup