It's that time of the year again, and hate it or love can't avoid it!
Check out your 2023 year in review from the Vivaldi #browser!
A year to be forgotten, or permanently remembered, this global social, ethical and moral debt I won't put on my account alone, far from here and far from me are many other failures throughout the year (to put it mildly). This is how it is, was and will be, because barbarism is growing, but the whole world lives its yawns and jokes between the beach and the allergy, the barbiturate and the bicoin, but blindness no longer accepts bargaining, it no longer goes by its original name.
Um ano para ser esquecido, ou lembrado permanentemente, essa dívida social, ética, moral mundial eu não a colocarei sozinho na minha conta, longe daqui e de mim estão muitas outras falhas no ano todo (para dizer pouco). Assim é, foi e será, porque a barbárie cresce, mas o mundo todo vive seus bocejos e gracejos entre a praia e a alergia, o barbitúrico e o bitcoin, mas a cegueira já não aceita barganha, já não atende pelo seu nome original.
#2023 #society #behavior #psychology #BraveNewWorld #remember #forget
Translated from Portuguese by