Musical Interlude: OK, I don't DISLIKE Mozart, I'm just not a fan, although he does impress me in certain ways. Like his first symphony here, composed when the little bastard was eight. EIGHT. Sigh. I'm 58 and I've never done anything close to this. Oh well.
"Symphony No. 1" composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozard, performed by an unidentified orchestra.
#MusicalInterlude #Mozart #Prodigy #Overachiever #IFeelInadequate
I don't like Mozart.
I listened anyway (I always do).
Then WOW, at 11:15 there was a movement I really liked...
¿But, the Mozart ended at 11:14?
Oh, It was YouTube auto-playing the next piece...
Vivaldi - Complete Cello Concertos, Raphael Wallfisch.
I'm glad you're not Mozart.
@EDVARDS Yeah, that would mean I've been dead for years...