The first 30 seconds of #ChessMasters mskes it seem awful, but here goes… #BBC
Well, this is just awful. Everything bad about reality TV shows. Players clearly been told to act up. (Badly) #ChessMasters #chess
This isn’t getting recommissioned. #ChessMasters #chess #BBC
Nailed it. (Or as they'd've no doubt predictably said in the program, checkmate) #ChessMasters #chess
@TheVoidTLMB for someone who makes televised chess engaging and understandable I really rate
@richardloxley Not sold by the thumbnails. What the TV show got wrong is not realising that the interesting thing about chess is the #chess.
@richardloxley But thx, and maybe I’ll check one out.
@TheVoidTLMB that’s what Anna gets right in my opinion. Most of her videos are her games in real time, with the moves all shown on an overlaid board, with her putting a commentary over the top explaining what her thought processes were at the time.
Occasionally she does longer videos not in real time, where she pauses and shows on the overlay what other options she considered and follows through on the consequences, and where she went wrong.
Admittedly all one sided, but I enjoy them.