Back in May I started fighting #Malenia in my NG+3 walkthrough of #EldenRing
After many hours, I've finally did it for the second time ever. Encouraged by the win, I started battling her using different builds. Here's a highlight of my first successfull fight this year with Drake Knight build.
As it was my first win after a long time, it's not very exciting, though there is a lot more to come...
Encouraged by my first victory in such a long time, I decided to fiddle a bit with save files and get back to fighting #Malenia though this time using different build. #EldenRing offers astonishing variety of builds that are not only fun but also acutally work.
Here's another highlight, this time - the Bloodhound.
Continuing my #Malenia challenge in #EldenRing I've found one of my favourite builds - Bloody Balerina.
It is worth noting that I take many of my inspirations from fextralife, sometimes copying builds 1:1, sometimes modifying a bit. Bloody Balerina was entirely his idea and I loved it.
Take a look at how it destroys Malenia without breaking a sweat.
The next build I tried for taking down #Malenia was Bloodflame Claws. Fun and fast build that builds up hemorrhage like crazy.
Have you seen #Malenia vs #Malenia in #EldenRing? Probably yes, but if not - here's my take on it.
Unfortuantely I didn't use waterfowl dance and played it safe instead. Maybe I'll revisit this build one day, since now I have a lot more experience in the fight.
I'm not slowing down on #Malenia
#EldenRing has one particularily busted weapon - Rivers of Blood. Even after series of nerfs, this katana is still shredding like crazy. Check out the new highlight.
When I first took on this build I didn't think much of it, but it quickly became one of my favourites not only due to great design of Elmer of the Briar / Bell Bearing Hunter but also due to how absolutely epic Marais Executioner's Sword is.
I'm afraid that #malenia doesn't share my enthusiasm though. Stay tuned for more #EldenRing highlights as there is still much to come!
Testing new interesting #EldenRing builds on #malenia contiunues. This time I've cosplayed as Crucible Knight with Ordovis's Greatsword.
I think that Crucible Knights are really well designed enemies and due to their small numbers in the game, they are elite warriors. The build I came up with reflects their power.
There is another Crucible Knight variation in #EldenRing that can be found - Siluria.
This #malenia highlight is closely tied to previous one with small modification - Siluria's Tree. Please enjoy.
Moving away from Crucible Knights builds, let's warm ourselves in the flames of frenzy.
Roundtable Knight Vyke is amazingly interesting character in #EldenRing, just as all Frienzied Flame lore.
Unfortunately, taking on #malenia with madness focused build is far from ideal, as she's completely immune to it. This build took me a long time to defeat The Goddess of Rot and was surprisingly boring and anticlimactic. Still, I think it's really cool build but for other purposes.
Here comes my biggest achievement so far in #EldenRing - beating #malenia without getting hit a single time while butt naked. It was a wild ride but I'm happy I've made it.
It wasn't lvl1 wretch run, but still pretty hardcore I think. This is where I peaked as a gamer.
I'm not much of a mage player in any game and #EldenRing is no different.
I thought I'll beat the crap out of #malenia by using knight and mage mix - the spellblade. An interesting and fun to play build... stop! Hammer time!
After defeating Rykard in #EldenRing we get access to a completely busted weapon - Blasphemous Blade. It was taken from snake's mouth... yuck!
Let's test it on #malenia because why not?
Spoiler: she was not happy.
Blaidd is arguably one of the most loved characters in #EldenRing
Why not use his strength to bring #malenia to her knees?
There was a time when Sword of Night and Flame was immensly OP in #EldenRing After a series of nerfs... well, it is not much worse.
#malenia will be happy to test out its strength for me. Although the fight itself wasn't very exciting, it shows well how powerfull this weapon is.
How about fat bonk? #EldenRing and other From games like to indlude some ridiculously fat armour.
Let's Prelate's Charge #malenia Very satisfying build. Highly recommended!
There's absolute bucket load of interesting builds coming up in the following days.
Another interesting #EldenRing build to tease #malenia with - Whip yo ass.
It basically stunlocks her for the most part with the Flame Dance of Giant's Red Braid and complimented by bleed buildup from Hoslow's Petal Whip. If you are struggling with Malenia, give this build a go, you can't get wrong with it!
Next, I'd like to present you yet another absolutely broken #EldenRing build featuring Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear.
#malenia is susceptible to hemorrhage so it this weapons Ash of War completely drains her. Enjoy!
#EldenRing build created by Vatii - Marine tank.
This ridiculously tanky build can withstand even #malenia waterfowl dance... up to some extent of course. It also able to pack quite a punch. Take a look!
Let's recreate one of the greatest conflicts in #EldenRing history - #malenia vs General Radahn.
I wish I was able to ride Leonard though...
Blood and Thunder! #EldenRing has its Greatsword (which is actually a Colossal Sword) inspired by the weapon from #berserk
Why not make it double, and take on #malenia ? Crazy build that hits like a truck.
Today something a bit different. In #EldenRing you can obtain an interesting weapon after defeating Dragonlord Placidusax - Dragon King's Cragblade. Did you know it's able to completely stunlock #malenia ?
Ridiculous situation. Take a look.
This #EldenRing highlight is a second part of yesterday's. Did you know that if #malenia is in the pond in the middle of her arena, she gets 10% more lightning damage? Also, she is more resistant to fire in water by also 10%.
Enjoy the rest of the stormcloud build.
Moving on with lightning theme, let's throw some of them at #malenia. Featuring one of the 9 Legendary Armaments of #EldenRing - Bolt of Gransax. I like how well this weapon looks with Tree Sentinel armour.
Another completely broken #EldenRing build and a pure pleasure to fight #malenia with - Cursed Blood.
Its focal point is Morgott's Cursed Sword which is amazing to play. Give it a look.
Very fast build of Fire and Ice. Scavenger's Curved Sword inherently inflicts bleed as well making this #EldenRing build consisting of 3 affinities. Let's see how quickly #malenia goes down while using two of those swords.
I think that Eleonora's Poleblade is one of the coolest, if not the coolest, weapon in #EldenRing
It may not be the strongest, but consistent bleed buildup plus inherent fire damage makes it at least decent. Combine that with unique R2 and flashy Ash of War that can quickly move you in and out of combat, and we have an armament that shreds through #malenia in seconds. Enjoy!
After incredible Eleonora's Poleblade, it's time for you Everyday Joe build with... just Claymore. It shows that even the simplest build in #EldenRing is potent enough to take on #malenia and all the barriers are in our heads.
Today in #malenia highlight - Not So Everyday Joe #EldenRing build. Featuring Zweihander, a colossal weapon infused with bleed. Not very... romantic, but still quite potent.
Finally getting back to more... usual #EldenRing builds and continuing #malenia hunt. Today, let's tackle Dark Knight with Helphen's Steeple. This Greatsword can imbue itself with Ruinous Ghostflame that adds Frostbite buildup and Magic Damage. Other than that and looking cool, it's rather usual, solid weapon.
Death's Poker can be a very powerful weapon in #EldenRing Despite "flame" in ghostflame name it produces, it deals no fire damage. It's Ash of War is two staged. First stage creates a flame and the second one, depending on whether R1 or R2 is used, creates a trail of ghostflame or an explosion.
It takes time to go through both of those and #malenia is fast, especially in her second phase. Here's my attempt.
Another legendary weapon in #EldenRing to try on #malenia - Ruins Greatsword. Very powerful with high cheese potential... as seen in the highlight.
Also, a conclusion can be drawn from this video - take your time with #malenia, don't rush, and wait for an opening. Arm yourself with patience.
As amazing and cool Godslayer's Greatsword is in #EldenRing, its ash of war - The Queen's Black Flame is way too slow to consistently fight #malenia. Nonetheless, the weapon itself is quite decent as it deals fire damage.
Knights of Zamor are frost themed enemies in #EldenRing. They weild their Curved Swords that are inflicting frostbite on hit, but also come with huge disadvantage - they have very short range.
You can see how I struggle to land a hit on #malenia eventually dying... but still winning the fight.
It took me uncomparably longer to get all the pieces of this build than to defeat #malenia with it. I've completed #EldenRing several times and I didn't know that Magma Blade is a drop only weapon, just like all pieces of Fire Monk Armour. It literally took me two days to gather everything but it was well worth it.
Magma blades melted through malenia perfectly and it was a pleasure to watch and play. I highly recommend this sword, though it requires a lot of effort to get... unless you're lucky.
One of the most popular builds in #EldenRing - Samurai with Moonveil katana. It is so powerful, that I have beaten #malenia with it the first try without any issues. It was also really ejoyable to play too. Have a look.
Moving on with samurai builds in #EldenRing, Dragonscale Blade is one of few katanas that doesn't inflict bleed on its own. It is making it up by its amazing ash of war - Ice Lightning Sword, which imbues the sword with frostbide buildup and adding lightning damage. Pretty sick weapon and works amazingly well agains #malenia. Check it out.
There is no necromancer class in #EldenRing, as it would probably defeat the whole purpose of the game, but we have some substitute. There is a weapon called Rostus' Axe, which Ash of War, Rostus's Summons call 3 skeleton to assist you with attack.
This is quite tricky to execute when fighting #malenia, due to really long time of cast. The only chance is to time it right so it staggers her a bit allowing for more blows to come.