This one found lean mass and more steps per day to be associated with measures of bone integrity, while fat mass and adherence to a Western-type diet to have detrimental associations in individuals aged between 50 and 79 years at baseline that were followed up for 10 years.
- Greater average lean mass over 5 years was beneficially associated with areal bone mineral density and radial bone area and trabecular bone microarchitecture.
- More steps per day were positively associated with inner transitional zone area and thickness, but not other bone measures.
- Although serum 25(OH)D was beneficially associated with total body areal bone mineral density, there were no associations with radial bone microarchitectural measures.
- Greater average fat mass over 5 years was detrimentally associated with radial volumetric bone mineral density, bone area, and bone porosity.
- Finally, higher levels of intake of a western dietary pattern over 5 years were detrimentally associated with radial volumetric bone mineral density and cortical porosity.