Would a higher minimum wage increase costs and discourage people from starting businesses?
@freepatriot Wages are already higher for the vast majority. A Federal increase wouldn't hurt today and would benefit the handful left out. Shouldn't be done all at once, should be spread out and a tiered approach because a 50 year old has more experience and knowledge than a 40, 30, 25, 19 or 16 year old.
It would hurt our economy and small businesses. Already as it is, Walmart killed cashier positions, so did Target. Safeway followed suit. So did CVS and McDonald's. Have you seen the menu prices? At one time $20 fed 2 people, now it barely feeds one.
Typical leftist, you have no idea how the economy works. After California raised their minimum wage, that's when things really started to fall apart for them. And the exodus sped up.
Myself and others already expected more businesses to close there. That's what the left does to businesses. Over regulation, increased taxation, increased costs to the people, more for those at the top, loopholes for the few, keeping more reliant on the state.