Not payed by them but Lidl, Fnac, Zalando, Krefel, Bol and many others are worthy Amazon alternatives. #fucknazis #oneeurope #eualternatives
I'm thinking of compiling a list of EU online shopping options to replace Amazon & Ebay.
We can't keep supporting an economy that eventually uses that capital to put people in charge who seek to destroy our core humanist and socialist values and probably have been pushing buttons for decades by hammering on lower taxes and less unions. If this is what Europe has to become then why did my granddad fought Hitler ?
So we need to stop sponsoring big tech but also big online retail, there are already sources for technical alternatives i'm looking for retail alternatives. Feel free to add them in the comments and boost.
I'm not using a search because searches are often localised, maybe there is something good in Sweden ( besides Ikea ) or Italy we haven't heard of and, it also might be good for the moral to see the actual list, eventually with sector and market capital.
Europe is not weak !
@DBosiers, no need of Amazon, I've a Lidle in front of the House and a Shopping Mall (Carrefour and some others)100m away