Not that this is turning into an obsession or anything, but I just bought a Cliff Edwards LP on eBay because it seems to be the only source of several tunes he recorded. Hasn't been digitised or reissued in the fifty years since it was released.
My record player broke in 1995 and I haven't had one since, which presents a tiny problem to overcome.
@BigJackBrass Kinda proud of myself for NOT getting into vinyl despite belonging to a very at-risk demographic (mid-40s white dad into weird music).
@Ashigaru I used to buy LPs for the simple reason that they were the best way to get music back then, although I had a load of cassettes generally bought for my Walkman when I was away on holiday and couldn't just tape the music from the record. Didn't have a CD player until the mid-90s, which is when my elderly secondhand Technics turntable finally expired. These days I'm entirely content to use digital, but some things only exist on old vinyl, or even shellac.
@BigJackBrass I’m pretty much digital-only now, but I still have all my discs. Kinda tempted to buy an actual CD player to bring back a more tactile listening experience (just pushing buttons on Apple Music doesn’t have enough ritual!), but so far I’ve resisted.
Retro game cartridges are an expensive/inconvenient hobby I haven’t been able to resist, alas.
@Ashigaru I've been *this* close to buying an old Vectrex on many occasions, but so far my willpower has held… just…
@BigJackBrass @Ashigaru I started buying vinyls off bandcamp as a way to support bands I could not see live during pandemic. They usually come with the digital version too, so in the end I never ever play the vynil but I am happy to have them as a token
@luigirenna @BigJackBrass I suspect there are a lot of vinyl collectors lacking record players…