What was on the #vegan plate tonight?
Potato salad w/ dill & spring onion; mixed vegetables in spiced tomato sauce; Anamma schnitzel.
@veganhead gorgeous photos, god mat! But not the right post for me to look at on a fasting day.
@ozdreaming Ooops. Maybe I should put a warning on them in future. Hope your fast went well.
@IngridHbn Thank you. It was rather tasty. I've never been a fan of dill but since moving to Sweden a few years back I see it is liked here.
@veganhead that’s interesting. Not a fan (either), as a vegan I can’t find where to use it on. My husband uses it when he makes vegan herring ‘salad’. A recipe from Scandinavia he learned:) but we live in Belgium.
@IngridHbn It's really nice in a potato salad, and as a topping for soup or scrambled tofu.
@veganhead ok I’ll try to use it more