Oh for fuck's sake…
The timeline tool I wrote a while ago has some issue I can't track down. Dates, which should always end with T00:00:00.000Z
, get seemingly random hours/minutes/seconds added to them, and sometimes, this causes them to get saved with a different date (i.e. 0100-09-01
gets saved as 0100-08-31T23:06:00.000Z
This has happened in a timeline I currently work with which takes place in very, very low years (as above, the year 100); I haven't been able to recreate this with current years (2023, 2024).
Does anyone who knows JavaScript have any idea what's happening here?
I use prompt()
to ask for dates in YYYY-MM-DD format and then use new Date(...)
to turn that into a date. Later, I use date.toLocaleString(...)
to display that date again.
I use JSON.stringify(...)
to turn the object containing these dates into JSON, and later JSON.parse(...)
to load them again.
The entire source code is here.
I could probably fix this dirty by just not using the JavaScript Date
objects, but that would ruin localisation.
I just want dates to be stored, without respect to time of day, only YYYY-MM-DD, and be displayed in an appropriate localisation (i.e. "Jun 10, 2024" for some and "10. Juni 2024" for others), without any timezone fuckery.
@nafmo I have no idea, I just do new Date("0100-12-08")
Another post could reproduce the issue with JSON.stringify()
, so it seems the conversion to ISO strings within that method has issues with extremely ancient dates.
@amberage I am not a JavaScript expert, but try to specify the timezone as UTC and see if it works better.