Launching today, Vivaldi is a proud participant in the Browser Choice Alliance!
BCA is an informal alliance of browser makers who are all prevented from competing fairly on Windows PCs, because Microsoft self-preferences its own Edge browser.
From @jon:
“For a long time, Vivaldi has publicly called out Microsoft for its dirty tricks to undermine consumer choice. Independent browsers like us simply cannot compete fairly with Edge when it is so heavily preferenced in Windows. Regulators need to intervene urgently.”
@Vivaldi @brucelawson @jon it's 1995 all over again
@SuperRon08 @Vivaldi @jon nope, in macOS when you open a different browser you don’t have the system shouting at you "you sure you don’t want to use safari?"
in fact, there even is a "select system web browser" dropdown menu in the system settings
and microsoft has been extremely vocal and unfair as a desktop operating system in basically forcing users to use its own browser since it started Internet Explorer so many years ago
@lucie_tronvert @Vivaldi @jon I get Microsoft is a little worse in how it enforces it. But all macOS come preinstalled with Safari and the majority of people will just stick to the defaults. Plus in iOS and ipadOS you have to run Apple's browser engine no matter what browser you use. All tech companies favour their own software and we should be trying to change that with all of them, not just Microsoft
This doesn’t seem like a problem that requires an all-or-nothing solution, and as well Windows is far and away the most popular desktop OS in the world:…/global-market-share-held-by-operat…
Even though other companies are part of the problem, Microsoft is the largest part of that problem, and it’s not even close.
@voracitude @SuperRon08, the Windows market share is mostly because since a lot of years, if you buy an PC, you buy it with an installed Windows by default, which is part of the price the user paid for the PC (!!!).
Only in recent times are more and more vendors which sell the PC without OS (only preinstalled FreeDOS) and the OS to the choice of the user.
This has naturally caused Windows to be the most used OS and as a consequence the best part of the software, especially games, is developed exclusively for this OS.
It is a monopoly created artificially, generally abusively, where the attempt to predefine EDGE is just the icing on the cake.
@SuperRon08 @Vivaldi @jon isn't it worse on Chromebooks? It's been awhile since I've took a look at them, but I thought it basically was Google Chrome as an OS, no options outside the Chrome store
@thegeeked1 @SuperRon08 @Vivaldi @jon
Yes, but I think ChromeOS has such a low market share that it is not really relevant. Windows on the other hand dominates the PC market.
@Vivaldi @jon You're doing it wrong. You are failing to strike at the root.
You should work to get people to ditch MS Windows rather than Edge.
You should work to stop the existence of the Microsoft tax.
The problem is not Edge being the default browser on Windows. The problem is Windows being the default OS on every PC sale in the USA (and nearly worldwide)..