外国人にとって防具レンタルがある日本の剣道道場が探しにくい… google mapsにある場所のHPで何もなさそうね
やばい。一つある道場を電話したばかりだって、道場の人は敬語で話したから、10%だけわかったよ だけど、その道場に剣道の体験ができるだと思う。
Looking back and analyzing what I heard over the phone, what got me in the yesterday's conversation was primarily 尊敬語. The person was saying that if I come - we can figure it out from there: 「きていただいたら、…」 which is a honorific form of 「きてもらったら、…」。 To me it sounded like a verb that I don't yet know...
I should have probably asked to repeat what they said. That being said, they said it a few times anyway, but I couldn't get it. Lesson learned!
@andrewrk so true