I just sent the final proofs of the #ActivityPub book to the editors at O'Reilly.
I'm done; with this part, at least.
I am not sure what I'm going to do with all that surplus time. I should probably start a huge new project!
I turned in my manuscript at the end of May; we've done 5 rounds of edits since then. Making books is hard!
You can still read the pre-release version on O'Reilly Learning Platform for free with a 10-day trial of the service. I don't know how much longer that deal is going to be around.
@evan congrats! Just a curiosity, is there a comparison with other protocols trying to create an interoperable web? I'm trying to understand why AT Protocol was created. I still need to read some references some people shared here.
@everton137 it was created because Jack Dorsey thought Twitter could spin out a business with a protocol as a product. They would connect big social networks, using the Twitter user and content base as an enticement. Those networks would pay BS to develop and maintain the pipes connecting servers.
@everton137 using an existing open standard wouldn't work for this business model, because those big social networks could connect without paying anything to BS. They needed to make a new, incompatible protocol that other businesses had to pay for.
@everton137 Twitter gave them $13M, and they raised another $8M. They've spent that money developing their proprietary protocol. I don't think it's a successful strategy. They are shooting the moon; hoping to be successful at all other developers' expense.
@everton137 my knowledge of this is firsthand. I talked with Parag, then CTO of Twitter, about it when BS first started. He laid out the entire business plan for me. I was part of the BS community that discussed different protocols to use.
@everton137 I don't agree that the primary motivations for starting BS were technical, in response to AP's failings. I don't think it's fair for BS people to position it that way.
@evan your points shared here deserve an article.
@everton137 I've already written about BlueSky and what a dangerous distraction it is.
@evan is it somewhere I could read and share?
@everton137 I've got a lot going on over the next few weeks, but I'm going to try to find time to write an explainer about BlueSky. I agree, we probably need some better guidance out there. I don't really want to give them any oxygen or attention, but I'd rather have this stuff clear.
@evan I'm quite disappointed to see so many Brazilians migrating to Bluesky. But I don't blame them. I see the logic to be where the crowd is if you don't know the importance of points you raised.
Unfortunately it appears only a few people, as compared to the big tech social media, are aware of it.
It was more disappointing to see people continuing to use x tho.
@everton137 Absolutely. You saw that we have had 2M new users since August on the Fediverse, right?
We're seeing a lot of growth here.
@evan I've seen some other numbers that indicated more Brazilians coming here. But the bubble I used to interact in Brazil when I lived there, some (data) journalists, access to information and even some open source and data privacy folks, appears to be pretty active on Bluesky. That's the main reason of my disappointment.
I am glad the new director of the organization I founded 11 years ago, @okbr, has decided also to create a profile in the fediverse. I hope they will be active and not only replicate content.
I don't live in Brazil for more than 8 years, so I am afraid to have strong opinions, and I am now just a foreigner (still an immigrant latino) living in the comfort of Europe. @josemurilo might have a better understanding of the reasons behind why most people in Brazil have migrated from x to Bluesky.
@everton137 Did someone in Brazilian media recommend BlueSky as an alternative or simply made an account there and said "Come to bluesky guys!" and that did it?
@starrwulfe yes. I posted your this in Portuguese
Furthermore, the Brazilian president simply created profiles on Bluesky and Threads, the latter still not open to the fediverse.
I made some posts about this recently as well. It appears some Brazilians active here will have a conversation with the communication team of the president. Let's see.
@starrwulfe Jornal Nacional from the previously linked post is just the most watched TV news in the country.
But I think they created the profile on Bluesky because most Brazilians were already there.
@everton137 @evan
From what I see here in Brazil, over the past decade, the web/digital media industry has seen significant growth of #influenceragencies, which are entirely driven by #SEO strategies.
These agencies now wield significant influence over digital media specialists and advisors, and also over the news about the Internet. In my opinion, they are responsible for the active neglect of the Fediverse as a monetizable social media alternative. I see it as a case of #adtech addiction.