"Vivaldi has two main focuses privacy and customization. So, if you want to take control of your browsing experience in a granular fashion then it may well be the grail at the end of your quest."
Here's why MacWorld recommends trying Vivaldi
@Vivaldi, remembering that in the aspect of privacy, as important or even more than the browser, is the search engine that is chosen.
@Vivaldi if Vivaldi has a focus on privacy then why isn't it completely open source?
@Onomatopoetikum @Vivaldi The source code is available for download. But it's not under open source license.
@Onomatopoetikum Privacy and Open Source are not necessarily the same thing. It's more like and
. We've covered your question here: https://vivaldi.com/blog/technology/why-isnt-vivaldi-browser-open-source/