#Vivaldi's #TranslationTools are a great fit for Social media.
Letting you easily translate a short post on the fly with either the Panel or Pop-up!
Here you'll also find a tip on how to make your Local timeline look more like you want it to by filtering by #language. As well as a guide on how to make sure your posts appear in the correct language.
@Vivaldi Having a rather international online friend group, this is actually a feature I find myself using quite often these days
Select text → right click → Translate Selection
Tätä juuri ehdin kysyä suomeksi
@Vivaldi Automaattinen tunnistus ei tunnista japania!
@ollik Vivaldi Translate's automatic detection works well for longer pieces of text. With very short messages you indeed need to select the source language manually.
@Vivaldi Thanks for answering! You are right. And I don't mind that you didn't translate it into Finnish altough Vivaldi Translate works very well.
@Vivaldi Nella versione Linux, il traduttore non rileva la lingua del testo da tradurre, ma si "fida" dell'impostazione del sito internet. Quindi, testo in inglese in un sito italiano, viene rilevato come italiano. NO GOOD.