Heard of Vivaldia? It's a game built into the #Vivaldibrowser . An old school #arcade-style side scroller game with a #cyberpunk aesthetic. Play it on vivaldi://game both on desktop and mobile.
Several members from the Team have actually beat the game. How far have you gotten? Share your scores in the comments!
@Vivaldi Wait... it's not endless? You could beat it?
@Nathan_Nino It loops when beaten, but it does have an end.
@Vivaldi Also I woukd suggest to add controller support, that woukd be amazing ;)
I had no idea you guys had updated it from the red blob thingy you had before!
@Vivaldi My nephews were looking for my phone or pc to play it. I installed Vivaldi on their father's computer. Now he's having the problem. Very big problem!
@MattEclipsed @Vivaldi I need to play more Vivaldia. This is my weekend challenge
@Vivaldi The publicly known high score is still 8725 by emersonik. Maybe a new wave of players will be able to beat them.
Scoring tips:
⇒ Don’t shoot ground enemies, they give points when you jump them
⇒ Shoot all flyers and shoot as many projectiles as you can
⇒ Boxes give points for ignoring them and shooting them. If you shoot them shortly before you would hit them, you get all the points (+ the loot)
⇒ Don’t die, s give 50 points when you are on full health
@Vivaldi It’s the first time I notice Tony has the same design in game as the emoji on Vivaldi Social. Personally I like this depiction far more than the “realistic" versions seen elsewhere.
@Vivaldi I've got my measly score 5000 and I know there's someone out there with a score above 20000
@Vivaldi My score: 0 I know, I should play more often Vivaldia. Weekend challenge!
@Vivaldi I hacked a "trainer" so I could finish the game (but points for l337 skills right?)