A little late, but did not know there's a rollover issue for #GPS devices like the #Qstarz #BTQ1000XT.
It's called #WRNO; last one happened in 2019, and there's firmware to fix it: https://qws.qstarz.com/WNRO/
This is for those hardcore people out there that still use an external GPS puck with its bigger antenna instead of relying on their phone-device.
This fixes my issue of my GPS travel-log issue that dates current logged tracks as 2003/Nov instead of 2023/Jun.
The newer #BL1000ST http://www.qstarz.com/Products/GPS%20Products/BL-1000ST-F.html looks interesting with its microSD card support for longer logging vs the ~68 hours of data-points in the #BTQ1000XT.
The GNSS support to avoid? WRNO is probably nice.
However, the microUSB interface kills it for me. mini-USB (and USB-C) are physically built like tanks resistant to connector bending. microUSB was designed (via experience) to eat as many cables as possible via connector bending. No thanks!