@doskel who would win?
- beautifully crafted british V12 luxury roadster
- one silly little japanese goober with teef
@MigaIsNotACat i think the tendie will make a surprise comeback
@doskel The tendie almost had to save the miot yesterday because I killed the battery WHOOPS
@MigaIsNotACat “large miata” is a travesty
also, untelated but is that sigewinne
@MigaIsNotACat i never find other sigewinne fans, absolutely based!
i followed you before, if you had the icon that was why tho haha
@agatha I'm still really sad that hoyo essentially dehya'd her kit, but I'm still trying to make her the best babby that she can be (I gave her my R2 aqua simulacra lol)
@MigaIsNotACat she is my best healer by a giant margin tbh, they are consistent, not burst, party-wide, and off field
i don’t think any other character can do that