A quotation from Antrim, Minna:
When I learn that husband and wife never quarrel, I know that indifference has set in, and after that — the deluge.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
1993 An Ironic Representation of Earth
"A globe encased in a spiky metal frame, symbolizing danger and vulnerability."
Tags: "earth, globe, metal frame, spikes, global environmental issues, warning sign, danger, vulnerability, protection, earth day, eco-warrior statement."
#photography #illustration #madman #nocontext #sfw #earth #globe #metalframe #spikes #globalenvironmentalissues #warningsign #danger #vulnerability #protection #earthday #eco-warriorstatement.
You can rent a private workspace at Helsinki Airport for €2.50 for 15 mins or €34 for a day
I know Glasgow has a bit of a reputation when it comes to knife crime, but is Number 5 on this list of forbidden things really needed for the Toddler Play Area in the Gravity trampoline park in Braehead?
'Jedes Schild hat eine Geschichte' #FotoVorschlag
Booger Hint
#sign #Schild #warningSign #Warnhinweis #urban #outside #bnw #blackAndWhite #photography #darktable #paperg
@homelessjun @sadele2 @bud_t Apparently this is posted at the trail head where that woman went missing. #MtBaldy #SAR #SearchAndRescue #hiking #warning #warningsign
They run a tight ship at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale, California, no guns, no knives, no bombs, no booze, no drugs and...... leave your PORN at home lol . #Lockheed #Space #sign #warningsign #porn
Fallout Shelter • Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Hasselblad 500C • Kodak Tri-X 400 • 2022