Macの日本語変換をもっと便利にするには? - iPhoneユーザーのためのMacのトリセツ https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20250326-iphone_mac/
【西川和久の不定期コラム】Snapdragon X Elite搭載で1kgを切るモバイルノートPC「ASUS Zenbook SORA(UX3407RA)」を購入した! https://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/column/nishikawa/2000175.html
Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signs bill requiring Apple & Google app stores to verify user ages and obtain parental consent for minors to use certain apps. #Utah #SpencerCox #TechPolicy #AppStores #Apple #Google #Privacy #ParentalConsent #TechNews #DigitalSafety
Been working on figuring out the NTK and built a #DogCow MooF! app. I used the Clarus graphic from the recent macOS Print Setup window (Press Command + Shift + P to see that window)
Mac - Lumon Terminal Pro - Apple
A very useful (and neat) update to Apple Maps today, adding indigenous place names and details across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand — here’s the rundown of what’s new:
#Maps #AppleMaps #Apple #Australia #Aotearoa #NewZealand
MacのDock上をドット絵の猫や犬が動き回るバーチャルペットアプリ「Docko Pets」がリリース。 https://applech2.com/archives/20250326-docko-pets-virtual-pet-in-your-dock.html
iBoff、Apple M4チップ搭載のMac mini (2024)に対応したアップグレード用SSD「1TB/2TB Storage for Mac Mini M4 (xNAND4 Module)」を発売。 https://applech2.com/archives/20250327-iboff-2tb-storage-for-mac-mini-m4.html
Someone essentially designed a #PCB that they're now selling bare or with NAND/SSD pre-soldered for upgrading/replacing the #SSD module of your #Apple #MacMini M4 very easily. It's amazing how informative and transparent the video is at meticulously explaining the engineering design and component decisions behind their custom module, when I expected them to only demonstrate it, nothing more.
Unrelated note, the moment the dude tried to show an example of what an airplane "rudder" is by showing a picture of MAS's, in combination with his distinct Malay, (Americanised for YouTube) English accent - I immediately checked his website and Linktree and right enough, the dude's a Malaysian lol.
Good to know that if I decide to get a Mac Mini I could upgrade the SSD myself without paying Apple or expensive shipping cost. I'd still probably need to upgrade from the measly 16GB of RAM though on the base model by paying Apple's 10x markup for no good reason. https://youtu.be/F3CYj37bxDE
ad198 Aziz the Ripper
Neben jeder Menge fliegender Laserhaie mit Raketenantrieb geht es heute um #Apple, Apple und Apple: Welche neuen #Macs kaufen wir und warum? Redesign aller #Betriebssysteme (auch der #USA), Ehemänner mit Pferdeschwanz, @johnnysharks Beine und Blind durch #4K. Außerdem die beliebteste neue Gamingecke!
Apple、中国のプログラミング教育を支援し続けるため浙江大学に3000万人民元(約6億円)を寄付 https://www.macotakara.jp/news/entry-48634.html
Apple Music Classical Updated With Three New Features https://www.macrumors.com/2025/03/25/apple-music-classical-three-new-features/
The ability to unlearn is crucial to allow change. Here are two examples of unlearning from the Apple ecosystem: one successful, and one not.
同じ亜人でも、リコさんと私ではAndroid Games Fromの受け止め方は違うかもしれません
The 15 Best Mobile Games in 2025: Top iPhone and Android Games https://www.cnet.com/tech/gaming/the-15-best-mobile-games-in-2025-top-iphone-and-android-games/#ftag=CAD590a51e
『rekordbox』『Serato DJ』などのDJ用ソフトでApple Musicの楽曲が使えるようになりDJ達が反応、使ってみた感想や注意点など https://togetter.com/li/2530348
I’d be open to this, provided it was designed and implemented very thoughtfully and didn’t create a lot of clutter.
#Apple #AppleNews #AppleMusic #AppleBooks #ApplePodcasts #AppleTV #Integreation
Today on AppAddict - Browser Extensions Are a Secret Weapon - This is a special edition of AppAddict. Tonight, I'm covering one of the best sources of computing functionality that often goes overlooked in the hunt for productivity enhancements and better work flows. There are many browser extensions that replace or enhance apps you use every day. This is my personal... - https://appaddict.app/post/browser-extensions-are-a-secret-weapon - #Mac #macOS #Apple #AppAddict