10 years since first Vivaldi Technical Preview. If you have not joined us already, how about now?
@jon Happy Anniversary!
@jon Happy birthday! I've been using Vivaldi since the first technical preview. Tomorrow will be my tenth anniversary with Vivaldi.
@jon I use both Opera and Vivaldi. I went there from nearly exclusive Chrome use because of the reduced exposure to the leeches of the surveillance economy. I give all the browsers a try. I retired FF on my anemic little Ubuntu box because it would regularly seize up from memory starvation. Opera is doing much better in that environment. Vivaldi starts slow on my windows box and then runs circles around other browsers.
@jon I congrats! And I say thank you for a great browser that I can use synchronized on three operating systems, which is incredibly flexible and very stable. But above all, thank you for your concept, your steadfastness and your tireless commitment. And I look forward to a bright future with you!
@jon Congratulations with the anniversary and thank you (and the team) for making Vivaldi possible.
In 1996, I started using Opera (version 2.10), which at the time was somewhat of a form of self-punishment, because Opera stubbornly adhered to the standards, which meant that not all websites worked well.
That was also a period when you, incredibly naïve (because who listens to you ...), would write to websites to respect the standards so that I could use them properly in Opera.
In 2000, I bought my first license; $39 for version 3.62. Yes, back then you still paid for a browser! At least, people with ideals did :) ....
25 years later, I must confess that I have used other browsers, like Firefox, for a long time (...), but in recent years, fortunately, the realization has come that using an European browser (Vivaldi), the only one with strict ethical ideals, suits me best.
Vivaldi should become a paid browser again, so that the unhealthy relationship with search engines from the US can be broken. Then it will become, just like with Kagi, a more niche product, but how bad is that?
@jon Congratulations Jon!
@jon love Vivaldi. I would like to work with Vivaldi. I am a Psychologist MD and Holistic doctor, I would love to be their ear, trusted confidant and friend. Are they hiring? I offer online, private sessions at their preferred video platform. I use Proton Mail, no choice, my clients come first, privacy. I prefer holistic medine over modern, can't prescribe out of the United states of America, need to get licensed in Europe, I am a resident of the EU. #nevergoingback to the #dividedstatesofamerica #loveGermany and & #lovenetherlands #openminded #alwayslearning #godblessatheisttoo